
See also the condensed set Best of

Summer 2024

Next holiday stop, a summer house at Blockhus, all mod cons, no camping

And a lot of activities nearby

Camping at Nibe

Overnight stay at the Skanadinavisk Dyrepark (Scandinavian Animal Park

They spent the night in a shelter.

End of Dyrepark shots

2km local run. It rained all the way.

Lars on the half marathon. Only one photo of him, at the end.

Boys helping Lars doing the ceiling in the new garage partition room

Concert at school, the boys on their flutes

Off to a week on Mallorca


Spring 2024

Tivoli Sunday, April 21

The family had a few days in Copenhagen. Photos by Lars

Winter 2024

Learning to program Scratch Jr at Dokk 1. They all caught on fast.

Old paper factory at Silkeborg. They all got a turn at making a sheet

End of paper factory photos